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Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W Chest Freezer - White - E Rated, White

Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W

If you love to meal prep for the week ahead or need somewhere to store the dog food, this Russell Hobbs chest freezer is exactly what you need. It has plenty of space to organise everything

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Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W

Brand: Russell Hobbs

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £178.00 - £208.00

from 2 retailers

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(£178.00 + £30.00 p&p)

If you love to meal prep for the week ahead or need somewhere to store the dog food, this Russell Hobbs chest freezer is exactly what you need. It has plenty of space to organise everything so you can see exactly what's in there. It also has a counterbalanced lid, allowing you to easily reach any items at the bottom without the lid closing on you. And if it's a bit too big for your kitchen, don't worry the Winter Shield design means you can store this model in a garage or outbuilding.

No further specification information available

  • If you love to meal prep for the week ahead or need somewhere to store the dog food, this Russell Hobbs chest freezer is exactly what you need. It has plenty of space to organise everything so you can see exactly what's in there. It also has a counterbalanced lid, allowing you to easily reach any items at the bottom without the lid closing on you. And if it's a bit too big for your kitchen, don't worry the Winter Shield design means you can store this model in a garage or outbuilding.....from ao.com
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    Compare prices for Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W - Buy Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W prices checked on March 7, 2025

    The Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W can also be known as Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W Chest Freezer - White - E Rated, White Russell Hobbs RH142CF0E1W Chest Freezer - White - E Rated

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